Saturday, September 11, 2010

The future is...

So yesterday I was having breakfast with my AA306 group members and they were mentioning how they were keeping their recess week free so that they could go for job interviews. Besides that, ever since school started, classmates have been asking me whether i've gone for so-and-so career talks and it seems like i'm the only one in the world who hasn't gone for any.

I don't know whether to say i'm worried about my future or not. While it appears like I don't care [if I did, I would've at least read the emails regarding the career talks], i'm pretty much freaking out.

As i've been telling everyone who asked, I don't exactly want to follow the normal track of Accountancy grads and head to the Big 4 the moment I graduate. I don't exactly think it's the best idea devoting the best years of my life to working till 2am every day and having to tolerate the temper of old cranky accountants.

But it's not like there's a lot else I can do. It's not like I want to bum around and live on someone else's income for the rest of my life. I just want to do something that I actually enjoy.

I felt kinda relieved when another group member said he wasn't planning on following the normal path either. Until he told me how he had been investing for years and was already self-sufficient from working from home.

I only have a year left before i'm on my own.

I'm fucked, aren't I?

1 comment:

Ruby said...

Nah that's plenty of time. Me? I'm already there.