Monday, January 5, 2009

I don't like my timetable ):

Actually it all turned out better than i thought it'd be; i have one class with most of my old classmates, another class with one of my Ayden friends and two of my old classmates, and another with the same Ayden friend. It's only one class in which i don't know anyone at all, which seems pretty okay because i don't need to do projects for it :)

Only a few people noticed my hair today lol. The rest either didn't realise, or just didn't want to ask. I think the latter. Lol. I think it's a bit obvious if someone's hair just suddenly becomes twice the length within a few weeks.

The main reason why i don't like my timetable this sem is because i can't get any electives. I'm only intending to do my prescribed electives because i'm saving the unrestricted elective credits for Psych, which i ALSO cannot take yet because i need to take yet another pre-requisite module which completely clashes with my current timetable.

Gah. Like 90% of the prescribed electives clash with my timetable zzz. And the rest have odd timings or are on Thursday, which is my free day.

Oh yes, that's another reason why i don't like my timetable. AND the four-hour break i have on Wednesday.

Nah, things aren't really very bad =/

I miss Jer Hsuan. Nothing la i just happened to be surfing Facebook.

Need to train for my run. Tomorrow morning :)

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