Sunday, January 4, 2009

Of fishing, birds, and fishing birds.

Went to Changi Beach for a walk and dinner with my mom and brother. Just felt like i wanted to go there one more time before my holidays end. It was high tide, and pretty windy, and just lovely :D

While we were on the boardwalk, we caught sight of this eagle/kite swooping down into the water, and it emerged with a fish in its talons. And it's not a small fish k. The kite wasn't that small itself either. Pretty cool :) I didn't manage to capture it on camera though.

After dinner we came back, and the first thing we saw upon stepping into the house was a young mynah perched on our ceiling lights, staring back at us.

We moved chairs around, took out the ladder and a whole bunch of fishing nets, and even toilet spray [Justin claims it'll irritate the bird out of its hiding place - i'm not sure about the bird, but Kinty sneezed]. After some time, we managed to get the bird to fly into Mom's net, and just as it was flapping itself out of the net, Mom reached out and grabbed it by the legs.

I swear it was effing hilarious to watch.

This is the silly bird that flew into our house.

Last bit of fun before school starts again tomorrow. Time to print notes ):

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