Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I'm not sure if i should call them resolutions, because everytime i make them i don't ever seem to end up fulfilling them, but here are the things i want to focus on for at least the earlier bit of this year.

1. Schoolwork. I'm not very happy with the results that i got last sem, so i'm gonna be working harder. Will take advantage of the long breaks i have between lessons, and make full use [or partial use] of them.

2. CCA. Actually i'm only referring to Soul Funky; i don't have to do much for the other CCA. There's the February performances coming up really soon, and we haven't really started choreo-ing for them at all. In addition, JDC is in March, but that's still alright because we have a choreographer [PJ?].

3. Running. I said yesterday that i'd go running this morning, but as usual i didn't even wake up on time. I'm just a damn lazy person. Gotta buck up on that. 21-21 on 16/08/09!

I've been reading through my archives on LJ. Lots of interesting stuff, heh.

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