Monday, July 20, 2009


Yunning and I were mentioning after House one day, that we saw what we used to be like, in somebody else. [Annoying lol.]

I just saw my 19-year-old self reflected in someone else. Those days where my heart would skip a beat while i took the stairs two at a time, heading up to the second floor in Keck Seng. The joy at dancing together, and receiving positive feedback. The excitement at meeting people and making friends. The fun we all had, as well as some... other things.


I remember posting something in Multiply about enjoying this phase while it lasted. I'm glad i pretty much did. It wasn't super fantastic, but i liked the way it was.

You know you've reached the end when you're looking back at it.

Like i said before, i've never really been on the same wavelength as those passionate dancers, since dance has always been just a hobby/interest to me. A lot of my dancer friends don't understand how this works for me, but that's okay. Thank you for sharing this experience with me :)

Of course, it's not really the end. I'm still dancing, albeit at a much lower frequency than before. Just let me take dance as what i had intended it to be, just a chapter in my book of life experiences :)


Zayn said...

last week the same few annoying ppl (i think) were asking michael stuff bout house affter class.
i can't remember what they were talking bout that linked to jacking. then one of the guys said "i see the whole class only got 1 guy know how to jack lorh. the rest just do steps only."
well at least i know we weren't THAT annoying.

Loretta Sze said...

true. at least we knew how to respect.