Tuesday, August 31, 2010

At Baby's.

No school on Tuesdays :D

Just submitted an appeal for FIL250. Hopefully I get it.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Note to self.

Mean what you say and say what you mean.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Mind. Blown.

I posted the following two days in a row while walking to work because I felt exactly the same way on both days.

Follow the beat. Keep moving.
8:23 AM Jul 1st via TweetSG

Follow the beat. Keep moving.
8:23 AM Jun 30th via TweetSG

& just now while reading my old tweets, I discovered that the time that I posted on both days is exactly the same O_O I swear it was unintentional. I never even realised it until now.


I don't wanna wake up.

So I got back from my diving trip yesterday. Living and breathing the sea for a week. It was refreshing.

Just checked my school email. There were a ton of new mails, which isn't surprising considering I haven't checked in two weeks. But then the fact that school was going to start again began to sink in.

I'm only just beginning to enjoy having enough time to spend with the people I want, anytime I want. I haven't had enough of that dream world we just managed to create. I'm not ready to wake up yet. I don't know if I ever want to wake up and face reality.

Especially now that there's no hall. I have no purpose of being in school, again.

Except Soul Funky. Except Benedict.

Except J.


This coming Monday is a 8.30am - 2.30pm day. At least after I submit the carryover of coursework grade for CLaw then I won't have to go for the lessons. Which means 10.30am - 2.30pm every Monday anyway.

I still don't have electives. Neither does J. We're both pretty screwed.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

What if.

I would do it again.

See you in 6 days.

Off to Sipadan for diving. It's actually 4 days of diving, but because the travelling takes a whole dang day, it ended up being 6 days.
Everything will be okay when I get back.
I'll be taking two planes, one land transfer and one boat to the place.
Pinky promise.
And the same thing back.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Wake up in the morning feeling like a PA.

Now that i'm done with the things people have asked me to do, I can finally go out and do my own stuff.

Hopefully without getting more tasks on the way.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Some alone time.

Thank you for calling/standing near me/being concerned. But I am not here right now. I am somewhere else. And you cannot reach me. Please leave me at the sound of the beep.

Oh, and to those who remembered my birthday yesterday, thank you.

This is my Flareon.

Meet my Flareon. He's fluffy and cool and fluffy. I love my Flareon :)

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Practically living with Baby over the past few days. Scratch that, been living with Baby over the past few days.

So many little simple things that make us happy ^^

Friday, August 13, 2010



I'm so thankful that the SP programme went relatively okay. A little sad that I didn't get to experience the camp from a freshie/GL's point of view. Only got to see the behind-the-scenes not-so-fun stuff. But SP night was enjoyable. The dancing part :) Hope to see more of this in Soul Funky next time.

J kept me company for much of the camp, even though I was busy running around and doing stuff. I'm so glad he was there anyway. Would've gone crazy if he hadn't been around. Thanks Baby :)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

So it kinda went like this.

Monday dance practice for next day's performance until 11pm. Went to meet J to get my Soul Funky tee, reached home about half past midnight. Slept around 2. Woke at around 6 to get to school for FOC. Did FOC stuff while waiting and waiting. Headed home to get more stuff and meet J. Went to the chalet and prepared SP stuff. Rushed around like a madwoman because almost everything wasn't going according to plan. Thankfully the programmers were helpful and thankfully J was there. SP interaction finally over, had programmers' meeting. Then main comm meeting. Didn't feel like doing my SP stuff for the next day so just stayed with J and talked a bit. Ended up taking a cab back to his place at 4.45am to take a shower and a 15-minute nap before heading back to the chalet in another cab. Immediately headed out for Sentosa to set up the beach games stuff. Got sunburnt. Took a pickup to amazing race station and got drenched because it started pouring while we were on it. Did SP stuff while doing the amazing race station. Then came back home after all OGs were done. Kept nodding off on the train - while standing. Uber tired.

And i'm about to leave for the chalet again.

Monday, August 9, 2010

J's video.

J and Leon put in a LOT of effort for this.

Uber tiring, but fun :)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I am. So. So. Happy.

As above.

Thank you baby :)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

My August.

1 Aug - SCBE convocation performance
2 Aug - Soul Funky filming, poly friends dinner
3 Aug - Meeting with SY
4 Aug - Visiting NTUC colleagues, meeting with SY
5 Aug - J's filming
6 Aug - Leave for Bangkok
7 Aug - Bangkok
8 Aug - Return from Bangkok [morning]
9 Aug - Soul Funky rehearsal [night]
10 Aug - Soul Funky FOC, out with J, 3rd month :)
11 Aug - Soul Funky FOC
12 Aug - Soul Funky FOC
13 Aug - Soul Funky FOC
14 Aug - J
15 Aug - J
16 Aug - J
17 Aug -
18 Aug - Sending Rusty off
19 Aug - Lunch with Ruby, Poly friends dinner, movie with J
20 Aug - J
21 Aug - Leaving for Sipadan
22 Aug - Sipadan
23 Aug - Sipadan
24 Aug - Sipadan
25 Aug - Sipadan
26 Aug - Returning from Sipadan
27 Aug - House course
28 Aug - J's didi's birthday celebration
29 Aug - Meetup with babes