Saturday, October 31, 2009

My 2 current obsessions.

Meet Sharkeh. He looks more like a killer whale/orca but he's actually a shark. His favourite activities include nomming on everything. Including my other current obsession - cards.

Itchy hands. Feel like opening Guardian deck.

[Yes that's my new leopard preenz blankie.]

Friday, October 30, 2009

The Train After Dinner.

I remember the weekends I used to send you all the way to Boon Lay when you booked in. We would have dinner before you boarded the cab and went to camp. I would watch as your cab turned the corner, then walk back to the train station alone, trying not to cry. Every single week.

The train rides after dinner were particularly cold. People were strange and scary. I hated it.

Now I know, I just hated that you weren't there with me.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


After yesterday's intensive upper body training [actually not very intensive la, i'm just out of practice], my shoulders and arms are now aching like ____. Which sucks, because I had to carry my bag with my laptop around all day. My arms hurt even when I just poke them.

Went for dinner with the bros to celebrate Brain's birthday. Had Astons for dinner then headed over to Starbucks at Citylink Mall to do our respective work. It felt really comfortable and I actually did stuff. Will probably bug them to go study together before exams. It's the only way i'll be productive.

Tired. And it's just the beginning of the project rush. Next week i'll be staying over in school. Not sure for how long yet.

Friday - AC213 meeting all day
Friday night - Finish AA201 balanced scorecard report part and appendix
Saturday - Study for AA203 quiz
Saturday night - Staying over at Sam's
Sunday afternoon - Celebrating Dine's birthday
Monday - Physio
Monday evening - Tax quiz
Tuesday - AA201 meeting all day; staying over

I'm not sure about my schedule for the rest of the days but there's no doubt that they'll be even more packed than this. Oh well.

Monday, October 26, 2009


I don't give a flying fuck. Really.

The only time in school that i actually do work is for projects. That's cuz i feel a level of responsibility there. You don't see me doing my own work. It's the end of the sem. It's still the same.

My results are already fucked up. Doesn't matter if they continue this way; i've got nothing to lose. I just want that degree and to get the hell out of school.

Heck no, i may not even want that stinking degree.

I'd do so much better in some other environment. Seriously.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Open my eyes.

Oh, I know now. You don't like him because you're too much like him.

Good thing I don't trust.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Got my package in the mail today. New cards feel shiokkk. A bit harder to spring. But I think i've managed to do a little snake by now. Using Tally-Ho now. Die la I think i'm gonna spend another day holding my cards half the time.

Yes I am such a bimbo. Today I wore a pink shirt, pink shoes, had a pink carebear hanging on my bag, and was flourishing with pink cards.

Tired. Still gotta do project and stuff. Ugh.

Monday, October 19, 2009


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Tom Cully.

I don't know how I ended up watching Youtube videos of child singers again, which of course led me back to my favourite Libera. I've still been listening to their songs, though I haven't been actively watching videos like I used to. Then again, it's not like there are new videos of them all the time.

Tom, my favourite soloist, is no longer singing as a treble. He turned 15 this year and his voice broke. It's such a pity; I never got to hear him singing live. They have a concert in Philippines next week, and when I found out about it several months ago, I actually considered going. But oh well. They should really come to Singapore. Hearing them live is one of the things on my bucket list.

The first time I came across Libera was on a video of Michael Horncastle's Far Away. The song was beautiful, but the video wasn't exactly fantastic MTV quality, and I didn't take much notice then. Until I came across the video of Tom Cully's You Were There.

These two songs remain my favourite until now. Other favourites are We Are The Lost by Michael Horncastle and Do Not Stand by Tom Cully. The song Do Not Stand is nice, but Tom takes it to a much higher level. His expression suits the whole thing. It's just amazing. Here it is:

So I decided to go check out Found out that another one of my favourite members, Zack Lockett, has left. Sigh. I wish I had known about Libera sooner. I discovered them at a stage where they were taking in a whole bunch of new members to replace the older boys. Still, i'm thankful to be able to hear Tom Cully's voice. He's phenomenal.

Thank God for recordings.

Leader of the Pack

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Practice practice practice

I always sleep late on Wednesday nights/Thursday mornings. After Soul Funky we'll go for supper and practise/learn flourishing, and then i'll be fiddling with the deck all the way home and before i sleep.

It's almost 3am, i'm still awake and fiddling with the deck. Bad idea.

On the train home Shifu was teaching me new stuff, and we were basically just practising all the way. By City Hall there were 6 people sitting in front of us staring as if we were some kind of freak show. Zzz.

I can't stand it when he does magic. It's frustrating trying to figure out what happens. Grr.

Quiz on Friday aka tomorrow. I haven't really studied. Damn.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Dey haz da funniez.


Kinder Joy FTW :D

Thursday, October 8, 2009


The top of my bubble tea cup says: 性格 - 有明朗的个性,充满男性的活力,意志强.

True? You evaluate.

Been practising the dribble all day. I love the sound the cards make :) Will probably start trying the spring soon.

Awesome shit.

Several months [or maybe even a year?] ago, I came back after supper and dance and HAAAD to blog about something before i did anything else, because i was just so excited about it.

Today, i'm doing the same, and it's about the same person too.

After Soul Funky practice, a few of us went for supper and learnt more flourishing stuff. A conversation came up that i'm not gonna forget in a hurry.

"Can we do this sideways too?"

"Yeah, but so far only one person can do it."



And he proceeded to show us. This means that i've just seen the one and only in the world.

How many people can ever say something like that? Omggg this just made my life.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I hate school ._.

Tax quiz tomorrow. Haven't studied.

Going to miss another Soul Funky practice.

All the projects and quizzes are killing me. I swear.