Monday, May 31, 2010

Work lulz.

Over lunch.

Boss: 你的exam几时ah?
Colleague: 下个月lor...
Boss: 要下雨了.
Everyone: 0_o
Colleague: 你在讲什么?
Boss: Orh 没有啦. 我只是想 现在好像要下雨了.

Random as hell lol.


Wanted to write a whole lot more, but it's almost 3am and i'm pretty sure i'm not going to survive the whole of tomorrow at work. Especially since it's a Monday.

Was talking to SY about how come I love Soul Funky so much yet I find it so difficult to write stuff about it. Then I figured it was just hard to explain all this emotional stuff to people.

I just love Soul Funky. Because of everything.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Random & happy :)

Today was a wonderful day. We walked a LOT. Tiring and wasn't according to plan, but totally worth it.

From squeezing with the crowd at Orchard to enjoying the peace and quiet in Raffles Place, to wandering and wondering in Marina Bay Sands. Random ass bananas and STRAY CARS and lava fountains, and other silly little things.

Thanks for teaching me how to use a DSLR :) And for letting me spend a great day with you.
I love you :)
Watch out for that stray car.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Soul Funky Times.

I'll buy this tomorrow.

Something that Tee Wee and Fabian need.

Fabian found his self-help book :D

Camouflage win.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


This morning on the way home, I heard a song on the radio. I don't know what song it is, but I recognised it from the video that was made by the A&F IG main comm for our Celebration of Learning. And then I heard it again in Aunty Jo's car when we were returning home from dinner.

Unfortunately the video has been taken down, or I would've posted it here.

Poly life was awesomely fun. So carefree. It was really my turning point [though I ended up turning back during Uni, but that's besides the point]. Made so many friends and by the end of 3 years, almost everyone knew everyone else. Had time to have fun and still get work done properly. Heck, even working on projects together was fun.

A bit sad that after Uni year 1, I changed back to the quiet person I was in secondary school. It's a good thing I have Soul Funky to keep me insane though [yes, insane; not a typo]. And of course, in year 2 sem 2, school turned from a hellhole to a place of security.

Those Soul Funky trainings almost every night. Training hard together even though we were all exhausted. I miss it.

But I miss hall the most. The place where everything was perfect and even if it wasn't, it would end up being okay eventually. The simple happiness. I don't know why, but I miss it so, so much.

"Buildings crumble. People die. Friends move away. But your memory of them will always stand. And they will be as real there, inside you, as they were when they were standing next to you.

Your memories are real. They are the dreams of the past. And they will live with you always."

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


The initial enthusiasm is wearing off.

Now i'm just really looking forward to my holidays. 9 more weeks.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Great week :)

Had dinner with Bros on Tuesday, polyfriends on Wednesday, J on Thursday and SoulFunky on Friday. Dope stuff. A whole day of work isn't so bad when you have stuff like that to look forward to every day :)

Need moar meetups. Especially with Soul Funky loves.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Work is good.

Had my first day at work and it was GREAT.

Not too much work to do, but not too little that it was like I was sitting there for nothing. The people are uber nice and the entire organisational culture promotes a family kind of environment. Even in email correspondence they address each other as brother/sister.
Good night baby.
I'm going to enjoy this attachment :)

Monday, May 10, 2010



Sunday, May 9, 2010


I slept at about 5 expecting to wake up really late because I was damn tired.

First I woke up at 7 plus because of a stomachache. Went back to sleep. Woke up again at 8 plus because of a nightmare. Cried. Went back to sleep. And now, I just woke up because of another nightmare. I'm getting a little tired of crying.

I dreamt I was in my room and waking up. It was dark already and I was shocked that I had slept in till so late. I got up and tried to find out the time. I can't remember what exactly happened in sequence; I just know I was just trying to get out of my room and was really afraid. Phone disappeared. Doorknob disintegrated when I tried to open the door. You know. Nightmarish stuff.

And I was just screaming, "Mummy, mummy, please help me!" But there was no voice.

It may seem silly to you. But you don't know how afraid I am of being abandoned/alone.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Love languages.

My Primary Love Languages are probably Quality Time and Physical Touch
My Detailed Results:
Quality Time: 9
Physical Touch: 9
Acts of Service: 6
Words of Affirmation: 6
Receiving Gifts: 0

Take the Quiz!
Check out the Book

From Wei Long's blog. I already knew what my primary love languages are; I just wanted to take it again.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Happy :D

Past few days have been good :D

Been getting stuff back on track, although yes it's probably a little too late. But better than never. Studied more than I ever have in the past sem. Thanks to Clarence :)

And Yvonne and Sharon :)

And Samantha for the company when i'm not studying ^^

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Everyone has days when they feel like giving up completely. Like life isn't worth living. Like everything you do takes a huge amount of effort. Like nothing's ever going to be right.

Today is one of those days.


For some reason, these days only seem to be able to get worse.