Friday, December 31, 2010

I wanted to be talking to you as people everywhere scream 'Happy New Year!'. I wanted to be the first to wish you.

Instead, i'll be alone in my room, with a dead iPhone 4 next to me, listening to the happy screams of my neighbours and pretending I don't care.

Forget it.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

More hollerdays.

Well... Yesterday didn't go as smoothly as planned. We built a fort and played Dungeon Hunters 2 inside it, yes, but because of all the pillows and mattresses we moved around, we got allergic reactions to dust and stuff.

Meeting and petting Longcat on the way to J's didn't help either. Subsequent plans were scrapped to make way for the recovery of swollen eyes and leaking noses.

Hope today will be better.

Oh by the way, if you haven't noticed, i'm only trying to keep a record on what my holidays have been/will be like. There are a ton of things I wanna do :)


J's mom: Korkor, wake up and pack your room!
J [in his sleep]: Don't worry Loretta will decide.

...Thanks for thinking of me as your maid even in your sleep -_______-

Friday, December 24, 2010


And then yesterday I went out with my family for shopping. Or at least my brother shopped. It felt like a waste of time to me. Met J at night and we played Dungeon Hunters 2 for like 6 hours straight until we finished the game.

We just came back from attempting to skateboard downstairs. Lalala. Now we're gonna build a fort and then play more Dungeon Hunters inside the fort. At night we're gonna play with the Holga and lightsticks.

This holiday is gonna be awesome.

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Even normal food tastes better than usual.

Watched Tron in town with J after my paper, then came over to my place to watch 50 First Dates. He had prepared a ton of Christmas presents for me, which is really sweet of him. Thanks baby :)

We met Longcat and fed Longcat. We competed on who dared to shout 'penis' louder in public and giggled like idiots. We walked home feeling considerably more relaxed than we've been recently.

I'm happy :)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


I wanna get back my ability to feel.

This day, one year ago.

Revisiting all the memories between now and a year ago.

After looking through all the shit that happened, i'm amazed that I even managed to stay alive through it all. I learned so much. And I changed so much.
I learnt how to block out my emotions.
Well. Like they say. Whatever doesn't kill you just makes you stronger.
I'm really good at not caring anymore.
Good job, me.

Monday, December 20, 2010

A random funny.

Yesterday at SAFYC with the family.

Mom: -points to a table on an isolated floating platform on the sea- We're having our dinner there.
Me [to J]: You're gonna have to swim over there k.
Mom: Jaspas, can you swim?
J: Yeah.
Mom: Ah. What else can you do? [She meant like water sports and stuff]
Jbro and me: Flourishing.



Sometimes you just gotta let the child in you take over.

Friday, December 17, 2010


Direct link here.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I'll be fine.

As above.

Friday, December 10, 2010


When I was 14, I wanted to be able to turn into a wolf at night and run. Just run.

I have that same feeling now.

Maybe i'll go back to running.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Time to really mug.

As above.