Monday, August 31, 2009


As tweeted, i went for my physio at CGH this morning. After 10 minutes of warmups, then some more time for stretches, i was told that i needed a deep tissue massage for my tight ITB. It kinda went like this.

"Okay you ready? This is gonna be painful."

"Yeah, i know. I heard."



"Your reaction's a little slow huh. Okay second one."



"Three more."



"This is what happens when you don't do your stretches."

"Omg gimme a break, gimme a break."

"Okay. 10 seconds."


"Just breathe. Relax."


"Okay. 10... 9... 8... ..."



-No noise but plenty of teeth-clenching and bed-grabbing-

"Okay, done. Now the other leg."


Wow. I can't wait for the next time -.-

Sunday, August 23, 2009

It makes a difference to this one.

Like i tweeted yesterday, I was at Pasir Ris Park. The tide was out, so KS and i went to take a walk down at the beach. I had him turn over horseshoe crabs to prove to him that those were crabs and not containers. Horseshoe crabs moult, so actually those are the moulted shells - no crabs were harmed in the process.

When we went back up to the grass, i saw another shell, and made him turn that over as well. To our amazement it started moving. It was alive. Some idiots probably caught it and took it up on the grass, then left it there to die. I took it back to the beach and put it in a spot with a little water. The furthest i could get. It didn't move after that though :(

I hope it's happily swimming out somewhere now.

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Anne (the other storyteller): And see the peach? It's a really big peach.

Girl: Big as a ball!

-turns to next page with another picture of the peach, now depicted next to a human to compare size-

Anne: See it's thiiiiis big!

Girl: Big as a really really big ball!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Fort building.

Recently there has been a trend on MLIA where people build forts. Today, i finally decided to see what the fuss was all about. I spent about 15 minutes building my fort. And about an hour before that researching how to build forts.

It's basically my bed. It's a good thing i sleep on a sofabed, so all i had to do was prop up the head end of it, then put two chairs at the end, and draped my blanket over. Minimal effort, and the interior of the fort is already a mattress. I put my tablelamp in there as well, since i have a powerpoint nearby.

Check it out :D

Justin saw and he wanted one too, so we made one for him since he has the exact same bed and blanket. You probably think we're dorks, but i bet deep down you want one too :D

Soul Funky :)

Just some background information first.

For the past few weeks, including the holidays, Soul Funky has had only 4 active members - Tee Wee, Ray, Jian Hui, and myself. Jian Hui fell sick, and so there were only 3 of us preparing for the performances we had to put up when school reopened. The rest were either on attachment, or had graduated. I got really sian of it all.

On Wednesday, the day of our last performance, Fabian said he was going to come down after work and watch us. On the same day, Yuan Bin decided to come back to school to change his EZlink card [to the new one, you know]. Tee Wee had invited Cherry and Yang Bo back so we could all hold a meeting. We were joined by a new guy we had met at our recruitment drive - a part-time instructor from China called Dragon [Kong Long].

It was like a family reunion. I haven't felt this happy since school started :)

I guess it's really the people who make the club.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Bored at school.

Appears that i'm here for a reason :D Just bumped into Robin who needed a cashcard. Good thing i decided to bring one with me ever since i got my new bag :)

Sunday, August 9, 2009

K I won't forget again.

"The characters' full names are: - Rachel Karen Green - Phoebe Buffay (in "The One Where They All Turn Thirty" 7.14, she says that never knew her middle name since she had never seen her birth certificate and her twin sister, Ursula, had sold it to a Swedish runaway) - Joseph Francis Tribbiani Jr - Chandler Muriel Bing - Ross Eustace Geller - Monica E. Geller (her exact middle name is never revealed throughout all 10 seasons)."

From IMDB.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


I usually look out my window after some time on the computer, so i can relax my eyes. Today when i looked out of the window, the things in the distance were blurry and i was like, "OMG i'm getting shortsighted!"

Then i realised it was just the haze.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

New bucket list.

1. Text 'i love you' to random people on every continent.
2. Show people the right way to peel bananas.
3. Call a potato chip company and tell them i found other products in the packet.
4. Go into a phone store and set all the phone alarms to the same time.
5. Start a trend on MLIA.


Just look at my 30boxes.

It's a repeat of the nightmare that i had last sem. This episode's only going to last for about 3 weeks max, but because this time it's a whole mess of events involving so many more people, places, things and emotions, it feels more tiring.

At least last sem i basically just concentrated on Soul Funky and blocked out most other things like my social life and schoolwork [thus the horrible results].

Soul Funky admin stuff that needs to be settled before school reopens.
Soul Funky performances - 18, 19, 21 August.
Rehearsals for those performances.
Teaching Popping for tomorrow's session.
Dinner with several bunches of people - Bros, babes, poly friends, boyfriend, family, etc.
Library storytelling which needs preparation time.
Schoolwork, when school starts.
Training for 21km - if i can't run it, i'm gonna walk.
Doctor visits and physio appointments.

And things just aren't going well for me.

I came back home to find that my email had a virus. It effectively wiped out all my MSN contacts and Hotmail contacts [both, because Windows Live links them together]. It's the second time this year, and i had only recently finished renaming all my contacts from the previous episode.

I was also pretty upset with all the things that i had to do - just looking at my 30boxes gave me a headache - so i decided to clear some of my backlog. I tried to upload my Taiwan trip photos. After manually selecting the 100+ photos that i wanted in the album, and then waiting for the whole thing to process, it failed. I tried several more times and still couldn't. Got so pissed at it.

Also had some problems with tomorrow because no one else was free to teach at tomorrow's Popping session. I've never taught Popping. It's going to be quite a basic lesson, but i'd much rather do that than have another Locking session. I don't have speakers. Asked to borrow, but still haven't gotten a reply. Thankfully the boyfriend came to the rescue. Tomorrow i have to get them from him.

So tomorrow i'll be travelling from Pasir Ris to Jurong East to get the speakers from Boy, then go to NTU - first to Robin's hall to get the studio keys from him, then head to the studio - conduct a basic Popping session for two hours by myself, then return the keys, and head back to Pasir Ris again.

Travelling only mah. Big deal. I don't know why i'm so sian over this.

Screw it.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Sorry for the lack of updates.

The photo editing for my Taiwan trip has been a bitch, what with an extremely slow computer that takes like a minute to simply rotate, resize, and save each picture [and i have several hundred pictures].

My trip was really nothing out of the ordinary. Probably because of all the research i've done and all the pictures i've seen from the people who were there just a few weeks before i went, the trip was pretty much what i had already foreseen it to be. I had come up with an itinerary, but we ended up not following it. By the fourth day we had pretty much run out of things to do, and with the rain, we didn't really go anywhere else.

I did lots of shopping and we spent our last dollar [at least what we thought was the last dollar; the boyfriend found a NTD 50 coin in one of his pants pockets when he was doing his laundry after we came home].

We received nothing short of the hospitality we were promised. The people were lovely, the lifestyle was laid back, which i love, and the trip on the whole was great.

Anyway. A few days ago i found out about's affiliated sites - Mylifeisaverage and Mylifeisg. While FML and MLIA are funny, MLIG has made me tear from the stories on the site. Call me emotional or whatever, but the site has restored my faith in humanity [more Singaporeans need to read that site].

So, just a lil story of mine. When we were at Taiwan, they had this government-initiated thing that allowed purchase receipts to be used like vouchers, in place of cash. So outside 7-Eleven and some other convenience stores at Xi Men Ding, there were elderly people standing outside, hoping for shoppers to donate their receipts. KS and i were in the habit of keeping our receipts so we could keep track of our expenses, so by the last day we had collected quite a number of receipts. We walked past one of the convenience stores and there was this old lady sitting outside with a box, collecting receipts and other donations.

She didn't notice both of us because we had just walked past, but when i took the stack of receipts and placed them in her box, she looked up at me and i could really feel her gratitude when she said, "谢谢 ..." in her grandmotherly voice.

Just a simple gesture that left me feeling good all day :) KS didn't even want to bother donating any of the receipts; he'd rather throw them away. But before i call him heartless, he's also had his share of being nice. When he went to buy Macs lunch for me one rainy afternoon, he offered to send an old lady to the MRT station under his umbrella. What made me really glad was that he was the one who offered, and not the lady who asked him for help :)


Here's a cute and sweet video i came across on Cute Overload the other day. Not recommended for diabetics.