Thursday, December 31, 2009


On two separate occasions today, I had my cards in my hands, left my room to walk around the house, and when I came back my cards weren't with me anymore -.-

I could find the box, but had no idea where the cards were -.-

Oh no. I think bad memory is contagious.


Okay i'm off to SAFYC!


Wednesday, December 30, 2009


And this is a huge improvement -.-

So yeah, you can imagine last sem's results.

I freak out each time I see the line, "You are to remain in Second Year in Semester 2, Academic Year 2009-2010". I see the word 'remain' and think I gotta repeat -.-

Sunday, December 27, 2009

There's never a right time to say goodbye.

Especially when I don't want to.

I still love you.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

People make mistakes.

I just never thought i'd make so many big ones in a short period of time.


I don't know if i'm just being selfish. It doesn't look like there's any way out. The whole thing to me looks like a lose-lose-lose situation.

I hate myself. I should've just kept everything to myself in the first place and then everything might probably be fine.

Friday, December 25, 2009


Was looking through old photos [hmmm] when I came across those that we took in Studio Wu last time.

They made me smile :)

Merry Christmas!

I don't ever wanna forget that night.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Wrong = Right?

I'm one completely fucked up person.

Whatever. 就这样吧.

Don't ask me why I keep typing in Chinese recently. My tweets at least. I just feel like it. As if it'll bring me into a completely different world with a completely different situation.

Responsibilities, thrown away.

Monday, December 21, 2009


Never thought it'd hurt so bad. I'm so sorry, I couldn't help it. I'll try harder. I promise.

Need to House. Need to forget. Need to run away.

Need inspiration.

I'm not really feeling this story right now. It's been abandoned for ages, but it's the closest I can get to anything else I wanna write. What I actually wanna write about now is a completely different storyline, but i'm too lazy to start a whole new one.

Here it is, for you to read.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Just some random stuff.

Finally a day where I had nothing scheduled for the whole day and I was actually bored. I'm so used to having so many things to do during this holiday that when i'm free, I don't know what to do. It's good; it means i've been really productive. So much more productive than the entire school semester.

So I just spent some time with my cards. Nothing out of the ordinary, just practising stuff over and over. There wasn't much else I wanted to do. Just wait. And wait.


Had a talk with Tee Wee that spawned the super long post that now sits on the Soul Funky blog. Oh well. I had a similar talk with Fabian in the beginning of the year. I'm afraid i'm starting to see a cycle. One reason why I didn't want to take up the position.


I need to settle my Christmas gift schedule. Need to give out those gifts within 2 days.

Also need to settle like a gazillion gatherings with like a gazillion people.


Sleep first.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

First open water dive!

It's not exactly as fantastic as it sounds.

We had to wake up at 5 plus in the morning just to get to the meeting venue, so I ended up being pretty snappy. Set up our equipment the moment we stepped on the boat, and took a half-hour journey over to Pulau Hantu. Upon reaching we geared up and entered the water.

The visibility really sucks. According to the instructor, Jeremy, it was about 2 metres. It seemed like half a metre to me. Can't see beyond 3 people next to me. And I mean COMPLETELY cannot see. We descended to about 8 metres the first time and 10 metres the next [due to rising tide], equalizing every few seconds, then did the exercises underwater.

It was scary, especially since I was the first person down and the last person up [we have to follow a rope out, then back]. Many people got cut on the rocks and stuff, or stung by whatever it is that's down there. My fingers on my right hand all got cut. Nothing too serious; only the middle finger one is pretty deep. Hurts now when I flourish =/

First dive took about 50 minutes and second dive took about 45 minutes. During the second dive, while KS and I were doing the alternate air source exercise, his alternate broke and I took in a deep breath of saltwater. The instructor supervising us had to quickly pass me HIS alternate. Okay la; in a way, I still got the exercise done -.-

Saw nothing but sand and silt, since we were right at the bottom. And water. On the ascent and descent, there were some fish nearer to the surface. Weren't close enough for me to see any colour though.

Yeah. That's pretty much it. KS and I won't be going for tomorrow's open water dive 2, because he has something on. So... I'll be getting my certification after next Sunday :)

Can't wait to go somewhere where I can actually see something.

Friday, December 18, 2009

1 thing i'm really good at.

Not giving a damn.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Hiding from the rain... diving underwater. Well. It works.

It's pretty cool. I drank quite a bit of water through my nose during the mask clearing practice though. Ugh. And I chewed on the regulator until my jaw ached. It was cold because it was night, and just after the rain, so after about 2 hours, we were all shivering in the water.

All the equipment probably weigh about 15kg to 20kg on land, mostly because of the tank. Plus weights. After the whole session I took off all the equipment in the water and felt so much lighter.

Then I got out of the water and felt heavy again.

Not bad la. It's quite interesting. So much better than snorkelling, of course. Compared with the regulator, the air you get from the snorkel is pathetic - -;

Hoping for good weather on the remaining dives.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Diving has taken over my mind.

As above. It's freaky.

At every point throughout the night, if I was sleeping, I was dreaming about diving; if I was awake, I was thinking about diving. I think my mind's trying to purge all the stuff I studied or something.

I need more sleep. Proper sleep. The boyfriend is currently right smack in the middle of the entire bed... so maybe later.


One-handed shuffle coming up next.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Insanely happy. Bahaha.

First picture is what my table looks like when i'm stressed at studying. Doesn't help that the diving manual has separate pieces of stuff. Second picture... was taken while I was jumping around ecstatically and giggling like a mad fangirl.

First row = Yunning's. Bottom row = What I haven't used from last time. Middle = Those that came today that are mine :DD Yeah I know that's quite a random batch of stuff. I just wanna try all the different ones. Maybe next time i'll get everything else ^^


K. Back to studying.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Just spent another 60 bucks on cards. I didn't realise i'd get so obsessed. And I still want more. Grarrgh.

My cards spent more time in my hands than in the box today. And I didn't even really practise new stuff. I've probably done several hundred dribbles by now.

I wish I was as diligent for diving -.-


About 4:30. I love the 'twins'! Crazily good-looking omg.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


I'll make sure of it.


But, yet again, what if i'm the one who's getting between me and the people I love?

Some more crappy pictures from my phone.

When I don't have my camera around me/no time to get it out.

While volunteering for the wishing sphere thingy.

Align Center And while volunteering for some crafts event. I got to do some quilling of my own :)

Monday, December 7, 2009

Under The City Lights

First heard this on a Peter Chao video... like most other people. Damn it I like the tune. I want this songgg ):

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Randomly decided to go flip through some of my old fanfics. To my surprise, my winglin one is still there after 6 years. Only the completed one, though; the incomplete one has been deleted. Dang, I liked that one.

I also have a few other stories that are... less immature. Discovered them through my long-lost freewebs account. It's now just called 'webs'. I have a short 4-chapter story there that I managed to somewhat complete, and I kinda want to post it. Let me know if you wanna read it [lol if you do]. It's actually kind of a rant that relates to my life - the characters are Mingdao, Cyndi and Shaowei. Yeah.

I even have a one-shot fic of Naruto characters + 1 OC. LOL.

Hmmm. I feel like writing another.


Ding Chun Cheng is HOT. He's super hot. Omg damn hot.

Oh, and have I mentioned, he's uber hot?

No la i'm exaggerating. Trying to recall what it was like several years ago when I was crazy over Mr Wang Shao Wei [lol he's old]. But actually I really think Xiao Ding is good-looking. Gao Yi Xiang also.

I will refrain from posting more videos and photos of him.

Try la.

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Flourishing may be just the thing to stop me from peeling/biting my nails.

ARGH. Super annoyed.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Moar Christmas Trees

Went out with Justin [not my brother] yesterday and caught two movies due to a slip-up by Cathay. Got more pictures of Christmas trees. I'll probably be back in Orchard several more times during the holiday but yeah.

Too bad there wasn't believe. But I would've gone nuts if they stole my live love believe.

Yeah I was just randomly taking photos. Didn't want to keep stopping. Heh. Yesterday was a pretty fun day :)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thanks Yunning!

For the shark and for helping me take photos :)
Outside Suntec City.

In Citylink Mall.


My favourite character Squidward.

Gary smiling :D


Still a little crazy over Xiao Ding :S Without his glasses he looks like a mix between Samantha's brother and Christopher Lee [eh Sam are you related to Christopher Lee? LOL]. He's hottt. -giggles-


Tally-ho Viper or Bicycle White Ghost deck? [Both can successfully confuse the boyfriend.] Decisions decisions... Maybe i'll just get both =/ But I still have several unused decks. Gah.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

...Uh oh.

Been fa-hua-chi-ing over Ding Chun Cheng. Not sure if it's a good thing that he's into photography and has a whole ton of photos on his blog [like thousands and thousands omg]. I gave up looking through them -.-

The brothers' role play is damn funny. Xiao Ding! :D