Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fuck my life.

It never rains. It pours.

When every little negative thing gets magnified and added to the list of 'Why My Life Is Fucked Up' and every good thing gets ignored.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I'm in library 2 now and trying to do some studying. I think it might be working. Although I only pay attention for a maximum of 15 minutes at a time because every 15 minutes I look up and sound the horn.

That's not true. I look up about once every 5 minutes hoping that 15 minutes has passed so I can sound the horn.

KNS. I get addicted to things so easily. The first time I bring my laptop to school this sem, it's because of a game.

Okay. Study. J ends his lecture in about 1.5 hours.

6 more times.



At J's again. I practically live here.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Drink. Drank.

Yeah again. Not drunk though.

Maybe i'll get some work done tomorrow.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Drinking with Jbro and Jboyfriend. Having weird talks lol.nIthink we're drunk loll.

Friday, September 24, 2010

How babydinosaur eats.

When you're a dinosaur with short arms, apparently eating with utensils becomes a difficult task.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Cool. Somewhat.

Okay so something really scary happened just now.

J was driving back from school when some weird grinding/crunching noises started coming from the car. We had heard them earlier on when we went out to JP for lunch but ignored them. On the way back from lunch the car had started to overheat but was fine because we weren't going very fast nor far away.

This time we were on the PIE and the noises started happening again, along with the overheating. They were getting increasingly frequent even though we slowed the car down. It came to a point when the sound just wouldn't stop, and the message thingy on the car actually went into emergency mode and said, "STOP!"

Scary can. J pulled over at the road shoulder and when we stopped, the engine was spewing smoke and some liquid was spilling out from the bottom of the car. We quickly got out of the car and tried to call for help. Honestly I was panicking so much I was close to tears. I mean, we were in the middle of an expressway at 11pm with a smoking car that had stuff leaking out of it, and neither of us knew what to do.

To cut things short we eventually got a tow truck and it sent us to somewhere near the car repair place. Took a cab back from there.

Kinda cool thinking about it now. Only because we're safely home and all. But yeah :)


So it turns out that the water tank was loose. There we go.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Oh yeah.

My wall :)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

spy. says:


House days.

Had supper after House course with a few Soul Funky people. We sat and talked for hours, then headed to Heeren where JW parked his car and started dancing in the empty basement.

Fun :)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

I should be studying.

But i'm not.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


& we spent an hour doing this.

I'm so lucky.

J drove all the way to Pioneer to pick me up, then all the way to the airport for me to meet my dad, before we came back.

Now he hates driving.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Unproductive Sunday, mostly.

Had lunch with paternal aunts whom I haven't seen in a while. They updated me about my dad and told me to spend some time with him now that he's back for like a week.

Anyway. Baby came over for dinner :) And he brought char siew lol thanks Baby. Before dinner we were so bored that we went to the extent of playing Neopets games. Then my brother came back and suggested LF2 and AuSEA, both of which I downloaded and am probably gonna remove like tomorrow or something.

Jbro and Jboyfriend don't get mixed up when I call them anymore. Now it's when my mom or Aunty Jo calls, "Justin!" and it's always the wrong one that responds. It still amuses me a little.

Went out for a walk with the boys, then came back to our void deck and sat there and talked with Jbro's friend/our neighbour. Jboyfriend and I laughed until we couldn't laugh anymore and could only sit there smiling weakly.

Reduced my Sunday blues much :) Thanks boys.

Soul Funky to look forward to tomorrow!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Random stuff i'm doing instead of studying.

Took a break from work and ended up doing a ton of other stuff. I've had 'What If' playing on repeat for like two hours already, and I was just updating my list of favourite IWTFY quotes when I came across this.

"I never saw you again. You slammed the door as you came in. We yelled at each other about something that just shouldn't fucking matter but for some reason, it does. It happened. We spoke softly. We were in bed. I told you

"I love you."

You said the same. We went to movies and parties and friends and ate and drank and made love.

It all ended with my eyes meeting yours for the first time and the sudden, extreme feeling of expectation.

And now, how can I miss what has never existed."

Similar idea as the 'What If' MV.

Nothing much la. Just that I was going through my old LJ entries and this really spoke to me at this point.

The future is...

So yesterday I was having breakfast with my AA306 group members and they were mentioning how they were keeping their recess week free so that they could go for job interviews. Besides that, ever since school started, classmates have been asking me whether i've gone for so-and-so career talks and it seems like i'm the only one in the world who hasn't gone for any.

I don't know whether to say i'm worried about my future or not. While it appears like I don't care [if I did, I would've at least read the emails regarding the career talks], i'm pretty much freaking out.

As i've been telling everyone who asked, I don't exactly want to follow the normal track of Accountancy grads and head to the Big 4 the moment I graduate. I don't exactly think it's the best idea devoting the best years of my life to working till 2am every day and having to tolerate the temper of old cranky accountants.

But it's not like there's a lot else I can do. It's not like I want to bum around and live on someone else's income for the rest of my life. I just want to do something that I actually enjoy.

I felt kinda relieved when another group member said he wasn't planning on following the normal path either. Until he told me how he had been investing for years and was already self-sufficient from working from home.

I only have a year left before i'm on my own.

I'm fucked, aren't I?


Friday, September 10, 2010

4 months :)

Need to catch up on schoolwork AHHHH.

Long weekend still doesn't seem like enough time.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I watched it fall apart right before my eyes.

And now i'm still sitting back and continuing to watch.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Seems i'm only free on Tuesdays.

Yeah I miss the holidays. Can't imagine what it'll be like after I graduate and have to find a job.

Strangely enough, I never felt this way before. Then again it's not that strange; non-school/work life was never this fun before I met J.

Had a nice relaxing day together, having lunch with his mom, then walking around near his place in shorts and slippers, and watching WLiiA at home. It's nice to be able to spend such stressless time together even though school's started. Probably won't be able to do all this when the workload becomes heavier.

Okay. Time to start homework. Gotta buck up this sem.

Will not start bitching about the elective system until i'm really left with no elective.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

What keeps me alive in school.

This morning, just like most other mornings, I woke up thinking of an excuse not to go to school. But I dragged myself out of bed anyway.

This lesson, just like most other 8.30am lessons, had a much smaller number of students in it. Luckily for me, some people I knew turned up, and I had company for that class. Then I got some stuff done, and went to meet SY for lunch, with her coursemates and YL. Thanks for the company :) I would've hated it if I had to be alone for the few hours.

Met J for his EAR801 lecture. I had expected to be doing my own work in there, but the lecture was pretty interesting and I ended up actually listening through most of it. The same didn't quite happen for the FIL250 lecture later in the evening. Between that, we took a walk to his ex-hall and took a few pictures with the Holga :)

It's kinda nice being in the same lessons as J.

Had dinner at JP, a cookies&cream milkshake, then went home. J missed his last train home just so he could send me back to Pasir Ris, despite the fact that all I was doing was sleeping next to him. Thanks <3

School's not so bad after all.