Saturday, November 29, 2008

What a week.

It's hard to imagine that only a week has passed since my exams ended. I've been doing quite a lot over the past week that it felt like ages.

My exams ended on Monday, after which i went for dinner with my classmates.
Tuesday i slacked at home before meeting KS for dinner at PS, and we walked along Orchard Road to see the Christmas lights.
I can't really remember what i did on Wednesday, except that i went to meet my classmates for dinner at Holland V, after which we had some drinks at Wala Wala.
On Thursday i pretty much Mapled the day away, then went to KS's to re-watch Enchanted together and stayed over there.
Friday after KS sent me home, i went ice-skating with my classmates before heading to the studio for Pop and Lock, and whatever that you see in the post below :)

Today? I went swimming at Yishun SAFRA with KS and his sister, then had Seoul Garden for lunch/dinner. Will be going to SAFYC tomorrow to support KS at his mahjong competition.

Whoo. I hope the rest of my holidays continues to be fulfilling :D [Edit: Maybe not. First the Wine Appreciation Workshop was postponed due to a lack of people, and i just received an email telling me that i wasn't shortlisted for the Kids World thing due to overwhelming response. What to do what to do...]

Just found some nice music in imeem. Piano stuff, by Yiruma. It's very soothing, go listen :)

Oh yus, stupid Quil.

-phone rings while napping, Ta picks up phone- "Yesss?"
"Hello jie can you hear me?"
"Yeah why leh?"
"Nothing la just trying out my new phone."

Superrrr cool!

It's 12.30am on Saturday and i just got home after Pop, Lock and dinnering with a whole bunch of people. I know i should be showering right now, but seriously this is waaay too cool to blog later.

So first there was Leonard, his brother Lionel, their friend Chayut who's Thai and is one of Singapore's national badminton players [he insists he's here to study and not 'imported' by the Singapore government LOL]. Melissa and her two friends Magdalene and Vivian [i'm not sure if i got all the names right] joined us later. Okay from here, the story gets just a little messy.

Melissa was so excited about Chayut knowing Ronald Susilo personally. She actually went, "Hmmm, now that he's no longer with Li Jia Wei..." LOL. I think she might just try hunting him down one day =/

Vivian is my secondary schoolmate O_O We found each other familiar, then she asked me. Turns out she's Geraldine's classmate :) And Magdalene eventually asked me if i knew Zoe, i think she's Zoe's coursemate or something in SMU.

Small world.

And then. And then. And then.

Justin came! No not my brother. He's Leonard's friend and he's a card flourisher. Not just any card flourisher, he's like THE best. If you're wondering whatever on earth card flourishing is, don't worry. About an hour ago i was wondering too. Click on the link, it's really cool, trust me :)

He did some magic tricks that completely baffled us... the girls at least. I realised that magic is such a girl-magnet lol.

Waaah. Justin's super cool. He can do really cool stuff with cards, he's fun, plus he's humourous and stuff. I think that makes him pretty charming. [Don't be mistaken, i'm not smitten or anything. I just don't usually hide compliments.]

Bah. It's unfair. Why does Leonard have such cool friends? [Nooo i'm not shooting my own social circle! :(]

Had a really enjoyable dinner :D K now i shall go shower. Going swimming later.

Oh and with reference to the previous post? I didn't manage to go to the studio until today, and by today the SMU students might probably have finished their exams. [Hah excuses i'm just too cowardly to do what i wanted to do.]

Tuesday, November 25, 2008



If i don't update in a few days, i'm probably in the hospital recuperating. Because i'm intending to wear the NBS shirt and stick an extra label saying "our exams are over" below it, and then go to the studio. Hopefully i'll walk out of SMU in one piece.

Went out with my classmates for dinner to celebrate post-exams just now. The next time i'm meeting with them, i'll be sure to bring an oxygen tank so that i don't hyperventilate. I laughed until i cried, until i went out of breath, until i developed abs. Woots. Clarence is more effective than laughing gas.

Today i shall enjoy myself outside!

Happy birthday you :) Young at heart k?

Monday, November 24, 2008

Power to give powers.

You know they always ask, "What would you do if you could [insert power here]?"

Like fly, and stuff.

What about if you had the power to give powers to people? Who would you give them to, and why?

I'd give the power to fly to Joey. So she can fly to America to live with her boyfriend :D
I'd give the power to heal to Yvonne. So she can heal her father :)
I'd give the power to control fire to Quil. For obvious reasons.
I'd give the power of genius to Geraldine. Because she's already somewhat there. Lol. But she's still mugging, so if she has this super power she can mug less, and find a boyfriend :P
I'd give the power of force fields to Benedict and Mom. Because they have been protecting me for so long, it's just right for me to return the favour :)

I'd keep the power to teleport for myself. So i don't have to spend 4 hours travelling to and from school everyday =/

Just a few random powers that i thought up of. I'm sure there's a lot more, but there's only so many i can think up of when it's 2.25am and i'm supposed to be studying for my paper later.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Going places.

Here are some of the places i'm intending to visit, probably during my holiday if it doesn't rain too much. If it does... then i'll just save them for next time :)

- Botanical Gardens
- HortPark
- Orchard Road to see Christmas lights!
- Chek Jawa [yes, again]
- Changi Beach [yes, againagain, but this time i'll cycle there]
- iWander route
- Kent Ridge Park?
- Mt Sophia?
- Sentosa?

Yes, iWander is something i named, walking from Bugis -> Suntec -> Singapore Flyer -> Benjamin Sheares Bridge -> Esplanade -> Raffles. I was just feeling really sick of everything sometime earlier this year, so i didn't go to work, and took a walk alone in town with my music. It was something i wanted to do for months, and it actually did help me feel better. The last time, i eventually ended at Keck Seng, because that was where i was headed anyway. This time, i'll probably head there again :)

I need a camera. -Eyes SITEX on calendar-

Last lap.

Although it doesn't feel like it.

Ever since 'O' Levels, i never really felt the end-of-exams rush because there wasn't really much to be excited about. Poly was entirely fun, even through the studying for exams. I'm not really in the habit of restricting myself from everything just to study, and then unleash after exams. I can't really control myself in such a way.

Before exams i slack. During exams i slack. After exams i slack. What's the diff?

I can't say i didn't work considerably harder in poly than now, though. It's a stupid choice, because in poly, if you're good, you're probably average already. In uni, if you're good, you'd better buck up because everyone else is better.

Obviously, i'm not doing that. I'm not motivated enough to.

One more freakin paper tomorrow.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


From bad to worse.

I must stop trying to be funny in exams.
I must stop trying to be funny in exams.
I must stop trying to be funny in exams.
I must stop trying to be funny in exams.
I must stop trying to be funny in exams.

It's bad enough that i don't know how to answer questions in the exam and i try to smoke through the question by putting down stuff that at least seem logical. I swear when i re-read my own answer, i had to restrain myself from laughing in the exam hall.

I hope the person who marks my paper appreciates stupid jokes.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Airport with short runway.

Talk about freaky.

Earning money online.

So instead of studying for my last two exams, i'm sitting in front of the computer looking for ways to earn money through the internet. This is all thanks to my attempts to do affiliate marketing through Clickbank [that wasn't a referral link, go ahead and click -.-].

You see, i was thinking that since i already have a site in which i'm posting articles, i might as well try to earn a little money from it. After all, it's free. Of course, i'm not expecting to earn very much from this sort of thing. Just thought, why not?

The way i'm doing it is by putting affiliate links from my other blog to Clickbank's sites, and i earn commission if people link through me and eventually go on to buy the product. What are the chances? I know it's close to zero at this rate, so i use another site like Ezine to post the same articles that i have on my blog. No extra work done, since i'm already writing articles for my own blog in the first place.

Ezine helps to increase the exposure to my articles, and from there people can link to my blog, whereby they link to Clickbank. A little complicated i know, but it just takes a little effort.

Haven't got anything out of it yet, but i'll update again when i do. It's trusted; KS's friend earns lots from this. I trust it anyways.

Anyway, here's another site where you get paid just to read emails. You'd probably have heard of it, and it's free to join. It's just that it takes quite a long time to accumulate enough money to cash out. Won't be a problem if you have enough referrals [get your friends to join].

I reeeaaally should get back to studying.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Of sea creatures and pokemon.

My brother, Justin, asked me what a nautilus was.

And i simply said, "It's the one that looks like an omanyte."

We speak a common language.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Okay so Limin has done a post on phobias before, but i feel compelled to do one now as well, partly because i'm studying for Psych and have to touch on phobias a little. And also because the ones that i'm posting are interesting [i'd say funny, but it really isn't funny for the person who has it].

Here they are :) []

Arachibutyrophobia - Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.
Asymmetriphobia - Fear of asymmetrical things.
Chrometophobia or Chrematophobia- Fear of money.
Euphobia - Fear of hearing good news.
Geliophobia - Fear of laughter.
Genuphobia - Fear of knees.
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia - Fear of long words. [my favourite irony]
Levophobia - Fear of things to the left side of the body.
Panophobia or Pantophobia - Fear of everything.

Ones i may have =/

Automatonophobia - Fear of ventriloquist's dummies, animatronic creatures, wax statues - anything that falsely represents a sentient being.
Katsaridaphobia - Fear of cockroaches.
Monophobia - Fear of solitude or being alone.

Oh by the way, in case you haven't noticed, one of my usernames is 'decidophobic' :) But not really la. Maybe last time. Lol.

Sternberg <3 Triangles

Pun [i'm referring to the <3] intended.

Yeah because this fella came up with:

Triarchic theory of intelligence
1. Analytical
2. Creative
3. Practical

Triangular theory of love [love triangle lol]
1. Intimacy
2. Commitment
3. Passion

Robert Sternberg (1988, 1997)

I gotta memorise all the names and dates of all the theories and stuff. Howww.

Monday, November 17, 2008


So i'm home after my paper, and i've got all the time in the world to do what i want to do for at least today [i'll start studying for Friday's Psych paper tomorrow]. Unfortunately, it seems like everything that appeared so interesting when i was studying, now turns out to be completely boring.

I checked my mail. Read some blogs. Played Word Challenge on Facebook and got sick of it after a few games [i usually play for several hours straight]. Went to Neopets to feed my pets and did dailys, didn't get too far beyond that because i got bored of it.

Maybe i'm just sleepy. Or something.

Perhaps i'll start studying like... now.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Jon McLaughlin - So Close

Enchanted is one of my favourite movies. Sappy love story with a magical Disney touch. And this is one of my favourite scenes in it.

I'm not sure if i'm intentionally stumbling across things like these over the past few days that make me crazily emotional, or i was crazily emotional to begin with [it's probably PMS] and every little thing makes me cry. For three days in a row. I'm getting sick of the sore eye, the blocked nose and the sore throat that resulted from it.

Great way to waste time during exam period.

Everything's fine.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Assumptions Song

"There was an old farmer who lived on a rock, he sat in the meadow just shaking his..."

Just a very random thought.

Everyone knows what nocturnal means, but how many actually know its opposite?

It's diurnal, by the way.

I guess it's a simple way of showing how much people notice things that are different from who they are/what they do, and pretty much ignoring/taking for granted things that are the same :)

Maybe i should copy my immortal story over from Multiply.

Friday, November 14, 2008

A Whole New World

a whole new world aladdin -

I swear i'm crazy over this song now, particularly after the fireworks thing somewhere below.

Ah, the beauty of love <3

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

There's always a first time...

First time the house blacked-out for 45 minutes, and on the eve of my IT exam where my notes were on my laptop which had 16 minutes worth of battery life left.

First time since my Advanced Accounting paper that i felt so screwed after an exam -.-

First time i stood all the way home from Boon Lay. Yay.

And wtf first time blogger failed on me when i tried to post this entry and i forgot to copy it first. This is the second time i'm typing this. Ugh.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Studying causes hallucinations.

loretta. ` live. love. believe. says:
omgomg i thought it was already 4pm!

limin. ??. locker. ?? ????, ?????? ?? says:

loretta. ` live. love. believe. says:
loretta. ` live. love. believe. says:

limin. ??. locker. ?? ????, ?????? ?? says:

loretta. ` live. love. believe. says:
i thought it was 4 but it's actually 2 -.-
limin. ??. locker. ?? ????, ?????? ?? says:
limin. ??. locker. ?? ????, ?????? ?? says:
u know i can blog this too

loretta. ` live. love. believe. says:
-__________- no need i'll blog it myself

Bah. I can't find the right encoding for chinese words. Zzz.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

All you need is one.

"At this moment there are 6,470,818,671 people in the world.

Some are running scared.
Some are coming home.
Some tell lies to make it through the day.
Others are just not facing the truth.
Some are evil men, at war with good.
And some are good, struggling with evil.
Six billion people in the world, six billion souls.

And sometimes... all you need is one."
- One Tree Hill

Friday, November 7, 2008

I want to be a fairytale princess

This alone makes a holiday to Hong Kong worth it.

It doesn't pay to take initiative; Halo/Devil Effect

As has been proven over many occasions.

Which is a bit sad, because it took me long enough to gather the courage to start doing so, particularly in stuff that people hate to take initiative in, like admitting to a fault or most negative stuff.

So far on two occasions i've been the one corresponding with profs due to errors in projects, apologising for the mistake and trying to put across as nicely as i can that we would like to rectify the error. It's not something that i particularly mind, and didn't really take much note of until the other day when one of my group members went, "Doesn't matter to me, after all we're not emailing her using my account."

I guess that kind of means that it actually does matter who sends the email.

That aside, i believe people have thought of me as irresponsible/stupid/stuff like that when i take on things that others refuse to do because... those stuff usually just turn out badly/result in negative consequences. Profs think i'm the one who caused the problem, etc. And that's not really a good thing, particularly if the devil effect comes in.

See, people aren't going to care what kind of sacrifice you made to your reputation, or the initiative you took. What they notice is simply:

Answer question wrongly = Stupid/Dumb/Not paying attention = Not good student = Fail

Admit to error = Made error in the first place = Careless/Irresponsible = Not good student = Fail

Okay that was pretty exaggerated.

And something that happens very often in online forums:

Type short forms/Have typos = Bad English = Stupid = Bad education/upbringing

Which is very real, because everytime you see a flame war, you'll see people who use short forms get blasted for their language, which really has nothing to do with the centre of the argument in the first place. Yes, even when the bad speller can formulate a better argument than one who uses proper grammar and stuff.

I digress.

Kinda just wanted to rant, because i was feeling crappy over being the one who actually did the work we were asked to do, but ended up being the one who appeared the stupidest.

I'll talk about the spotlight effect another time.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Just some stuff.

Atlantic Starr - Always

Atlantic Starr - Always

Yes, i'm prolly still going on about the wedding thing.

Ryan & Sean's Not So Excellent Adventure
If you've ever watched nigahiga's videos on Youtube, you probably would have either 1. loved them to bits, or 2. hated how stupid they were. Whichever it is, they've come up with a movie! :D I don't think it'll be available in Singapore, but i want to get their DVD! Limin buy together? Can save on shipping lol.

I posted a comment on their latest video asking any other Singaporeans if they wanted to preorder the video together, but the comments are moving so damn quickly that no one will see it -.-

MSN Status
This is the second time i'm saying something about it in a few days; it's just a rant so ignore me unless you share the same view [you can rant in my comments].

When i put my status as 'busy' on MSN, i fucking mean it. At the rate people still bug me regarding all sorts of things when my status is as such, i don't understand why we even have statuses on MSN, when the only two that people actually believe are 'online' and 'offline'.

Scratch that. Someone tries to talk to me, EVEN WHEN I'M APPEARING OFFLINE.

"Hey are you there?"


I put 'busy' instead of 'offline' so that people can reach me when there are IMPORTANT issues, not for you to tell me all sorts of crap that i don't need to know and honestly don't give a shit about.

Which includes, "Aww are you okay? Your personal message seems angsty."


Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I haven't done my tutorial for tomorrow, nor studied for my quiz on Friday, nor the exam next week, and here i am baking smiling cookies.

Okay, i'm kidding.

Only about the smiling part.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

In the courtroom...

ATTORNEY: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse?
ATTORNEY: Did you check for blood pressure?
ATTORNEY: Did you check for breathing?
ATTORNEY: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy?
ATTORNEY: How can you be so sure, Doctor?
WITNESS: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar.
ATTORNEY: But could the patient have still been alive, nevertheless?
WITNESS: Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law...

Lol. Joey don't be like this ah!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Thank you Boy :)

I am probably the luckiest person alive. If it wasn't for KS, i'd spend 3 damned nights crying alone at home.

Then again, i did spend the 3 nights crying. But at least he was there with me.

First night he stayed over. Second i stayed over at his place. Today wasn't supposed to be anything, but he agreed to stay over again because he didn't want me to be lonely [and also because i was on the verge of tears, again].

I actually already know that i really really hate being the only one at home, because of how much i detest it when i wake up/return home and no one else is around. I just didn't know it'd be this bad such that i'd freak out and cry. Thanks Boy for being there [or actually here] with me.